Gender & Sexuality Affirming

I’ve had so many clients tell me their prior therapist, doctor, or other provider was judgmental about their sexuality or gender identity. Unfortunately, I’ve heard many reports of therapists trying to tell clients that bisexual isn’t a real sexual orientation, thus contributing to widespread bi erasure. Additionally, I’ve heard stories about medical providers trying to dissuade clients from transitioning socially or medically, attempting to get them to see themselves how they were assigned at birth.

None. Of. This. Is. Okay.

Let me repeat that. None of this is okay. None of this should ever happen in a therapy room, medical room, or any other space for that matter.

Pervasive harmful myths about sexual orientation and gender identity continue to rock our society, and even many of our therapy rooms where clients are supposed to be safe and unjudged. While I can’t promise that of others, what I can promise is that I am a provider who not only identifies as queer and specializes in treating LGBTQIA+ clients, but also offers training to organizations and institutions who need further education on these topics.


If you’re looking for someone who is absolutely thrilled to meet other queer folx and help them be their best, authentic selves (rainbow flags and all), I am happy to help. As a coach and guide, it is my goal to make sure as many people as possible have access to affirming helping professionals. Even if I cannot assist you for some reason, I am thrilled to take the opportunity to help you connect with meaningful services in your area to the best of my ability.

I believe everyone should have the right to live freely as themselves; however, I also know that sometimes coming out isn’t an option. Know that in our work together, you will not be pushed to come out if that’s not your plan. If it is, we will safety plan according to your individual needs. Regardless, we will highlight you living as authentic a life as you possibly can as often as you can!


Spiritually Open


ENM, Polyamory, BDSM, & Kink Aware